Policy briefing
EuroSafe produces regular policy briefings on topics related to specific injury risks and prevention strategies.
Please find here a selection of issues recenntly published:
Policy briefing 1 The role of public health in injury prevention
Policy briefing 2 Developing national policy for injury prevention
Policy briefing 3 Inequality in injury risks
Policy briefing 4 Road traffic injuries among vulnerable road users
Policy briefing 5 Alcohol and injuries
Policy briefing 6 Youth violence prevention
Policy briefing 7 Injury surveillance a health policy priority
Policy briefing 8 Using advocacy for injury
Policy briefing 9 Young people
Policy briefing 10 Snow sports helmets
Policy briefing 11 Prevention of depression and suicidal behaviour
Policy briefing 12 Safety of consumer products and services
Policy briefing 13 Adolescents - risks and prevention evidence
Policy briefing 14 Injuries among older people
Policy briefing 15 Interpersonal violence - Youth violence
Policy briefing 16 Preventing injuries in basketball
Policy briefing 17 Preventing injuries in handball
Policy briefing 18 Safety in sport: why is it time to act
Policy briefing 19 Promoting safety in sport: how to put actions in place
Policy briefing 20 Facts on Falls in Older Adults in the EU