Accident & Emergency cases
About 52% of injuries treated in Accident & Emergency departments are related to home and leisure accidents. The remaining injuries are due to road traffic (8%), paid work (10%), violence (3%), self-harm (1%) and 26% are not sufficiently specified. All together, every year 33 million people are visiting an Accident & Emergency department in one of the over one thousand acute care hospitals that the EU counts*.
As to the at least 17.0 million Home and Leisure injuries that are treated in Accident & Emergency (A&E) departments, we know the main causes, age-groups involved, place of accident as well as incidence rate for each county within the EU-region. Please select
* Data source: EU Injury Database IDB. All figures given are estimates, based on averages of the most recent three years from countries for which data is available. See also the latest reports on injuries in the EU (2018)